    Heathcote School Library
    Miss Sorensen, School Librarian
    Follow us on Twitter @HeathcoteLib!
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    Libraries Build Independent Learners Through Information Fluency and Inquiry

    The goal of the Scarsdale librarians is to encourage every student to develop a life-long love of literature and research. A collaborative approach between the librarian and the classroom teacher allows for authentic teaching of literature and information fluency skills and strategies. Students need to use the skills of inquiry to learn essential content and to construct new meaning. Instruction, designed around an inquiry framework, generates active learning and the formation of new understandings.

    The information fluency skills required for independent and lifelong learning follow a coherent developmentally appropriate continuum of instruction and practice throughout grades K-12. This enables all of our children to succeed in our ever-expanding information rich world.
    Kindergarten    Kindergarten students are developing the following skills:
    Respect for library and library materials
    ● Requesting or choosing materials related to personal interests
    ● Listening to stories and recalling facts from the listening activity
    ● Making predictions about what will happen next in the story
    ● Asking questions related to the listening activity
    ● Showing respect for the ideas of others while participating in group discussions
    ● Understanding that library materials are organized in a consistent and predictable way
    ● Personally connecting to literature
    Distinguishing between fiction and non-­fiction books
    If you have questions, comments or suggestions,
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