• The Scarsdale Sustainability Initiative

    Students Instructed in garden

    Program Assessment

    Currently, much of what we assess is process: 

    • We document sustainability activities.
    • We use traditional academic assessments.
    • We track our carbon footprint (electricity, gas, oil).
    • We have some quanitative and qualitative measures of student attitudes and behaviors.

    What do we plan to do in the future?
    • We will track the number of Senior Options students and students enrolled in research programs who choose to study sustainability.
    • We will add to our quantitative and qualitative measures of student attitudes and behaviors.
    • We will develop cross-disciplinary assessments for skills and knowledge that cut across or do not fall into traditional subject areas.
    • We will continue to monitor progress toward the Board's 2020 Goal and develop additional methods to monitor our progress in other areas.
    • We will evaluate the new coordinated program of sustainability instruction for all students.