New York’s Dignity for All Students Act seeks to provide the State’s students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function.  A succinct and clear summary of the law can be found in this brochure from NYS.  Students, faculty, and staff who wish to report an incident should see an assistant principal.



    The Scarsdale Public School District is committed to providing a healthy and productive environment for all students and employees that promotes respect, dignity and equality and is free of sexual harassment for any reason. Sexual harassment of a member of the school community by another member of the community is a violation of school policy. Sexual harassment can include (but is not limited to) harassment based on sex, real or perceived sexual orientation, or gender identity. The district has a policy that is designed to implement specific procedures on reporting, investigating and remedying complaints of sexual harassment consistent with the District's policy. They are intended to create and preserve an educational and working environment free from unlawful harassment in furtherance of the District's commitment. 

    The full policy can be found at the Board of Education link off the district website: https://www.scarsdaleschools.k12.ny.us/Page/25

    If a member of the school community feels they s/he has been treated inappropriately or harassed, s/he should speak with a counselor, youth outreach worker, school psychologist, administrator, or trusted adult in the building. The district has a Title IX Compliance Officer that can be a resource as well. Ms. Meghan Troy, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Leadership Development, has been appointed by the Board to serve in that capacity and can be reached at (914) 721-2417.