• PTC Wizard for Teachers


    To log into the Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling System to see or print your schedule of appointments, follow the instructions below or click the following link for a detailed guide:  PTC Wizard Instructions for SHS Teachers.
    1. use Google Chrome to log into Infinite Campus
    2. click Custom Links and Reports at the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar
    3. click PTC Wizard for Teachers
    4. from the Choose a Conference drop-down select SHS Timekeepers for Day 1 or 2 to find out your timekeeper assignment, or select PT Conference Day 1 or 2 to view your conference schedule
    5. from the Choose a day drop-down select the conference day
    6. click the Print icon at the top of the schedule screen; your schedule will open in a new browser window in a printer-friendly format
    7. Right-click on the schedule and click Print

    Note that your schedule is not final until the registration window is closed. Parents are able to make new appointments or cancel/change their appointments until the conference registration window is closed. Even after the registration window closes, parents can still cancel appointments, but they can no longer add new appointments or move existing ones.

    To find your room assignment, view Teacher Conference Room Locations.

    For a visual guide about the process for viewing and printing your schedule, view PTC Wizard Instructions for SHS Teachers