• Welcome to Mr. O'Rourke 4th Grade's webpage.

    School Seal

    Fourth Grade
    4th Grade Teacher-Greenacres

    About My Classroom

    Dear Parents,


               Welcome to Mr. O'Rourke's Fourth Grade class!  This letter will familiarize you with some of the schedules and procedures in my class.

                   Fourth graders are usually given one half hour of homework Monday through Thursday nights.  In addition, children are encouraged, and expected to read every night.  Children begin reading twenty minutes a night and work their way up to one half hour.  Please don't allow this assignment to take the place of reading with or to your child.  They still enjoy being read to, and they learn from this experience as well.  Homework is usually given to reinforce skills and concepts taught in class.

              Fourth grade is a busy work year.  We continue our Singapore Math Program and pick up where third grade left off. We have an individualized literature-based reading program. Comprehension skills are taught throughout the year.  Our writing program uses the Writer's Notebook as a means of practicing writing techniques and collecting seeds for stories.

             If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me immediately.  My email address is sorourke@scarsdaleschools.org.  A note sent in with your child, or a phone call to the office, will be answered as soon as possible. 
                                                            Sean O'Rourke 


              Here is a copy of our special schedule:

    A Day                                            P.E.           9:30 - 10:15


    B Day                                           Spanish     9:30 - 10:15

                                                        Library       2:15 - 2:45


    C Day                                            Music        9:30 - 10:15


    D Day                                            P.E.          9:30 - 10:15

                                                         Spanish   10:15 - 10:35


    E Day                                             Art            9:20 - 10:20


    F Day                                             Chorus       9:15 - 10:30

                                                          Spanish    10:25 - 10:45