• Welcome to Mrs. Winders' 

    914 721-2720
    Welcome to 3rd Grade!
    This is an important year. My goals for this year are:
    • To give students the academic tools they need to progress to 4th grade.
    • To give students tools to become independent, responsible and confident learners.
    • To provide a supportive learning environment.
    • To help students become critical thinkers and readers.
    • To help students develop strong organizational skills.
    • To encourage students to be respectful members of the classroom and school community.
    • To have fun while we learn.
    • To make new friends and discover new interests.
    General Information:
    Organization is a developmental skill that improves over time with consistent daily practice, structure and positive reinforcement. Students are expected to develop their organizational skills and to maintain their work in an organized manner. Attention will be given to:
    • Keeping all handouts in the appropriate folders.
    • Keeping notebooks intact, neat and easy to locate.
    • Writing down homework assignments on a daily basis.
    • Homework is assigned Monday thru Thursday.
    • Students are expected to complete all assignments neatly and independently.
    • If there is a problem or your child does not understand the task, please have them speak with me in the morning. I am available through email or first thing in the morning for any questions.