• Welcome to First Grade at Edgewood School!

    School Seal

    Mrs. Cucolo's First Grade
    Contact Information
    work:  721-2700
    E-mail:  jcucolo@scarsdaleschools.org
     Fall      winter       Sring           Summer                                                                                                           
    Welcome to Mrs. Cucolo's First Grade! 
          Elementary School is a magical and memorable time.  I provide a warm and nurturing learning environment as students are introduced to a whole new world of learning!  Teaching and learning hold a special place in my heart.  Memories of elementary school should be joyful and forever cherished.

          As I plant and nourish the seeds for a love of learning, it is my life’s work that every child coming through my door will be inspired to be a life long learner.

                                                                           Sincerely, Lady Bug
                                                                              Mrs. Cucolo