Dear Middle School Parents:
Our Middle School athletic spring season is open to all 7th and 8th grade students. In the spring, we offer Softball, Baseball, Girls’ Lacrosse, Boys’ Lacrosse and Boys and Girls Track and Field. Practices for these teams are four to five times a week from 2:45-4:45 pm. This is a no-cut policy program where everyone will have an opportunity to participate. The first day of practice will be Monday, March 24th.
All interested students must complete the following steps each season:
1. Click on the link to SIGN UP.
2. A physical performed within the last 12 months is required for participation in all modified sports. The Modified Physical Form can be downloaded from this site. Have your physician complete and sign the Modified Physical Form. A private MD's form is acceptable, if it specifically includes the notation that the child can fully participate in all sports without restrictions. All forms are available at the Middle School Nurse’s Office or online. Modified physical forms can be handed in or faxed to the Nurse at any time. The Nurse’s fax number is 722-2850.
3.Parents must complete, sign, and date the Sports Clearance Form. The Sports Clearance can be handed or faxed to the Nurse’s Office. Sports clearance forms CANNOT be completed more than 4 weeks prior to the sports clearance start date.
4.Students interested in Track and Field, Softball, Baseball, Boys’ Lacrosse or Girls’ Lacrosse must attend an interest meeting on March 12th in Gym B at 2:45 pm.
Track and Field - Cheryl Orlandi - corlandi@scarsdaleschools.org
Girls Lacrosse - Olivia Hopf- Ohopf@scarsdaleschools.org
Boys Lacrosse - Robert Keith - rkeith@scarsdaleschools.org
Baseball - Matt Brown (8th grade) - mbrown@scarsdaleschools.org
Bob Saya (7th Grade) bsaya@scarsdaleschools.org
Softball - Steve Rambone - srambone@scarsdaleschools.org
Tiffany Martinez - Tmartinez@scarsdaleschools.org
Kevin Roemer
Modified Sports Director