• Learning Resource Center - C59


    Mrs. Buckler           
    Cooper 6, 7, 8
    Fountain 7
    Choice 8
    Learning Resource Center Teacher
    Cooper Office - 721-2630
    Email - ybuckler@scarsdaleschools.org (best way to reach me)
    Learning Resource Center - Cooper 59
    Welcome to the Cooper Learning Resource Center.  In LRC, academic support and skills instruction are provided.  Specific areas such as organization, note-taking, time-management, test-taking, and study skills will be addressed on a regular basis.  Students should bring their planners to LRC on a daily basis as we will always begin each period with this important organizational tool.  I will be available for office hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:40 to 3:20.  

    Look further (left side of home page) for some helpful suggestions which may assist you on a daily basis.
    Please check Schoology for current information.