Welcome to Dr. Browne's Webpage.
Scarsdale Middle SchoolPopham 6 ScienceContact Popham House: (914) 721 - 2640E-mail: cbrowne@scarsdaleschools.orgWelcome
Welcome to 6th grade science! Throughout this year you and I can look forward to many experiences which include but are not limited to the following - getting to know each other, sharing our science excitement and knowledge, learning the art of scientific inquiry, exploring both the known and unknown, many investigations and experiments, projects, presentations, trips, fun, and of course learning about the wonderful world of science. May our science journey begin!Mission Statement
Science is a process of gathering information through precise and accurate investigation, in order to increase one's knowledge of natural phenomena and the unexplained. Sixth grade science introduces students to this investigatory pursuit of knowledge. It is through a process of active and authentic learning techniques that foster a students' inquiry skills, that sixth grade science will open the doors of scientific wonder and exploration to each student.~ Dr. Christi Browne
Course Outline
The major topics of study throughout the sixth grade year will be intertwined to show the interdependence of the natural environment and laws of the physical world.
Scientist Training Program
- Process and Nature of Science and Inquiry
- Scientific Measurement and Equipment- Data Collection, Analysis, Extrapolation, and Application
Water - Science Skill Development/ Progression
- Water's physical and chemical properties; water’s ecological function
Investigating Energy and Motion
- Energy transfer and conservation; motion, and momentum (physics of flight, speed, velocity, acc.); Forces, Friction and Gravity
Earth - Exploring Our Planet
- Earth's Biosphere; Earth’s cycles; Environmental break down; Life on earth; Interaction and Interdependence;Adaptation
Human Impact
- Human ecological impact (negative and positive)
Office Hours
Yes, you're invited to extra help!
- Office Hours will be offered after school from 2:36pm - 3:25pm Tuesday - Thursday, exception will posted on board~Note~Schoology is meant as an additional support to parents and students. Please check Schoology often and regularly.
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