
    School Seal

    Rebecca Streeter
    Popham 7 English
    Contact Information: rstreeter@scarsdaleschools.org
    House Office: 914-721-2640 



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Rebecca Streeter

I am so excited to embark on a productive, fulfilling, fun year in English class! We'll work together to read a wide variety of texts, write in many different genres and formats, discuss our reading and writing in small groups and as a whole class, and grow as lifelong readers, writers, thinkers, and citizens of the world. 

In addition to your class materials, of course, I ask that you show up to class every day with a growth mindset and your best effort!

Please note that all assignments and class-related materials and information will be posted on Schoology. You should check Schoology every night from home.

Office hours will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school until 3:20.

I am looking forward to a wonderful year ahead! 


Mrs. Streeter