John Felix"Coach Felix"914-721-2720Fox Meadow Elementary School@foxmeadowPE
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About My Classroom
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."The Physical Education Department at Fox Meadow is dedicated to teaching our students how their bodies move, how to perform a variety of physical activities and the importance of physical fitness. Students at FM learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to adopt a physically active, healthy lifestyle. We strive to provide learning experiences that meet the developmental needs of all students, in a fun, safe and encouraging way. We create and foster a learning environment that allows students to take risks, demonstrate leadership, set, achieve, and maintain fitness goals and explore and discover movement using critical and creative thinking skills. We follow the Physical Education Curriculum Models that include, Sport Education, Skill Themes, Personal and Social Responsibility, Project Adventure and Movement Education.
Our curriculum is unique and diverse. We select activities and instruct movement experiences that are designed to challenge the body and mind of each student. We discuss the importance of exercise and it's relationship to brain function, develop each students understanding of resiliency and level of teamwork in group settings and provide an opportunity for students to explore, create and share thoughts and ideas with one another. We enhance our practice and instructional methods through the use of technology and teacher collaboration.
Our K-2 program introduces our students to the fundamental movement patterns of skipping, hoping, leaping, running, walking, jumping and galloping. Students are taught special awareness, directions, pathways, levels, body awareness and locomotor and non-locomotor movement patterns. Students study balance, weight transfer, force, speed and opposition while learning the basic skill forms of dribbling, kicking, punting, striking, rope jumping and volleying. During our gymnastics unit students practice climbing, yoga, rolling, and balancing. Students in second grade participate in a interdisaplinary study of orienteering. Physical fitness is a theme and concept that is practiced throughout the school year.Our 3-5 program is designed to introduce students to a wide variety games and activities. The learning environment is designed to foster creative thinking, leadership skills and decision making. The curriculum includes team handball, snowshoeing, "First Tee" golf program, Flag Football, Basketball, Gymnastics, Circus Arts, Interdisciplinary study of GPS/Navigation, basketball, project adventure, badminton, paddling, volleyball, and an interdisciplinary study of the bow and arrow and history of lacrosse. Students in these grades take on leadership roles during each class and are encouraged to design and develop team fitness and practice plans. Students in grades 4 and 5 begin using and understanding FitnessGram, a program that allows students to analyze personal physical fitness levels and create individualized fitness goals based on performance.If parents or students have questions, comments or thoughts you would like to share about our physical education program, please do not hesitate to contact us.John Felix"Coach Felix"jfelix@scarsdaleschools.orgStacey Suffridge Wierl"Coach SW"swierl@scarsdaleschools.org