• Scarsdale High School
    Food Allergy Awareness - Protocols and Practice

    Andrea O’Gorman, Assistant Principal

    Stacey Crowley, Nurse

    Christie Kroll, Nurse

    At Scarsdale High School, we recognize that there are members of our community who possess food allergies and/or sensitivities. It is our goal to recognize the challenges posed to these students when faced with food choices and food-centered activities, and to implement protocols and practices to best support and protect these students, while also encouraging developmentally appropriate self-advocacy skills. With these aims in mind, we have identified current practices regarding issues of food use/choice, as well as protocols that to help faculty, students and parents address questions and concerns.

    At Scarsdale High School:

    • Food is a part of everyday life. Our cafeteria offers both breakfast and lunch service, with vending machines available for student use throughout the day.
    • Food can be used in classrooms for a variety of reasons; we do not restrict the use of food in educationally appropriate settings.
    • We have an extensive bake sale/food sale program where individual clubs and student organizations sell food to students, most often during lunch periods and occasionally after school.

    Current Safeguards:

    • The health office keeps records of student health history/needs. Parents are asked to update these records annually, and in the case of any changes.
    • Students with food allergies are identified in our student record system (Infinite Campus) and faculty are alerted to these flags.
    • Our school nurses work closely with faculty members who supervise field trips and extracurricular activities to support students with allergies.
    • Our food services program provides an interactive website for students and parents to identify allergens in the cafeteria products.
    • In individual cases, nurses and/or deans work closely with faculty members and students to identify, support and troubleshoot issues for students with severe allergies.
    • Each year the faculty receives guidance and training on the use of EpiPens and on general issues related to food allergies.