Welcome to Mrs. Agovino's webpage.

    Butler 7 social studies


    Twitter @AgovinoJessica


    Welcome back! I hope you all had a nice, relaxing summer and are ready to get to work and have fun learning history! The 7th grade curriculum focuses on early American history through the Civil War. I want each of you to know that learning history is about discovery, and not just memorizing facts. So, this year we will be engaged in debates, simulations, trials, group and individual projects and thoughtful discussion. We will be studying American history through multiple perspectives and uncovering the details of our nation’s past. We will also be connecting our history to current events and learning how to become global citizens.
    The units of study we will explore this year include:
    • Identity/ Historical Thinking Skills
    • Exploration/ Slavery/ Colonization 
    • Revolution 
    • Human Rights 
    • Government/ Constitution/ Presidential Powers 
    • Expansion and Civil War
    • Service Learning throughout the year
    I look forward to getting to know each of you this year and making history fun! 
    "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed"- Theodore Roosevelt