Welcome back, Heathcote friends! I hope everyone has had an amazing summer!!
Artists in the Heathcote art room will continue to develop their understanding of art and design through the exploration of media application, technique, form and function, history and aesthetics. We will be making connections between ourselves, the work we do in the studio and how this work fits into a larger world context. Units of study will be comprised of viewing artworks, analyzing and discussing curricular topics in relationship to the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, hands-on activities, self and peer reflection and technology will be integrated where applicable.
Finished works of art will be on display throughout the halls for the school and community enjoyment. All artwork will be returned for students to take home after the completion of our Poetry and Arts festival in the spring. If you wish to see your child’s progress and work prior to that, please check in on our classroom Twitter page, or back on the art gallery link on this webpage.
Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions, inspiration, or suggestions. I realize that art can be a bit messy. Please have your child dress in art appropriate clothing, or have them bring in an old shirt for a smock that they may leave in their classroom/locker.
I am looking forward to another amazing year!!!!

Also, you may follow our adventures on TWITTER: @CVisualarts