• Past Meetings and Events 2011-12
    September 14, 2011 at 7:30 p.m., Fox Meadow Elementary School
    Topic: Learning Resource Center (LRC) Workshop on Homework Strategy Essentials
    For more info, click on: LRC Workshop Flyer

    October 16, 2011 at 10:00 a.m., Boulder Brook Equestrian Center, 291 Mamaroneck Road, Scarsdale
    Therapy Series: Therapeutic Riding and Hippotherapy
    Please come to a talk on therapeutic riding and hippotherapy followed by short trial rides on a horse.  Prior Registration requested.  For more information click on the following Riding Flyer, and to learn more about Debra Lang, click here for her bioDebra Lang Bio
    November 1, 2011 (Tuesday) at 7:30 p.m., Fox Meadow Elementary School
    Topic:  R.T.I. (Response to Intervention)
    Speaker:  Dr. Michael Mendelson, Director of Special Education in Scarsdale

    To ensure coverage of a particular topic or issue, submit your queries ahead of time to Marian Green or Greg Loten at ScarsdaleCHILD@gmail.com.  Information regarding the CBS news report regarding iPad usage is available at http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7385702n&tag=mncol;lst;1
    Recorded video of this meeting is available on the District's web site under District Information, Scarsdale Cable TV, Video On Demand.

    November 10, 2010  (Thursday) at 10:00am - 12:00pm, Scarsdale Middle School
    Movie : "F.A.T. City" by Rick LaVoie
    Frustration, anger, and tension are the subjects of this instructional film in which Rick Lavoie sheds light on what a student with learning disabilities experiences in a typical classroom.  His approach puts the viewer in the struggling student's shoes and provides helpful insights on how teachers can adapt their techniques for the benefit of all.

    November 30, 2011 (Wednesday) at 7:30 p.m
    Topic: What IDEA Does NOT Cover
    Speaker: Professor Donald Doernberg

    Do your homework with Professor Donald Doernberg, Pace School of Law, who will discuss the subject of IDEA.  IDEA is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities, throughout the nation.  A broad and complicated law that has the unique ability to both enlighten and stymie us, through the special education process.  There are 14 specific categories - so the devil is in the details.  Professor Doernberg has been teaching law for over 30 years and has published numerous articles and books on a variety of legal topics.  Currently, he is teaching Civil Procedure, Conflict of Laws, Criminal Procedure, Federal Courts and Torts.  He is passionate supporter of the special education community. Please go to the Pace Law School Link for more information on Donald Doernberg.
    Recorded video of this C.H.I.L.D meeting is available on the District home page under District Information, Scarsdale Cable TV, Video On Demand.

    January 4, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., Fox Meadow Elementary School
    Meeting cancelled.

    January 12, 2012 at 10:00am, Scarsdale Middle School
    Movie: "Inside the Teenage Brain"

    This film offers a glimpse into the research of Dr. Jay Giedd, a top neuroscientist who studies the adolescent brain. Giedd has used magnetic imaging technology to peer into what he calls "the black box" of teenagers' brains to discover an unexpected growth spurt, just before puberty, in the frontal cortex (the area of the brain involved in judgment, planning, and strategizing). This new growth is followed by a period of pruning and organizing the new neural connections which continues through adolescence. Read more on PBS' Frontline web site.
    Discussion led by School Psychologists Andrea Tripodi and Elliot Cohen

    January 17, 2012 at 7:30pm, Scarsdale Middle School
    Co-Sponsored Meeting with PT Council
    Topic: Study Habits for Disorganized Kids
    Speaker: Marjorie Nahac, Scarsdale Middle School House Counselor

    January 25, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., Fox Meadow Elementary School
    Topic: Effective Strategies For Improving Social Skills For All Children & Teens
    Speakers: Ilana Rosenberg, SEFC, and Susan Hendler, Sociable Kidz

    About the Panelists:
    Dr. Rosenberg earned her degree in Clinical Psychology from Adelphi University. She worked at a private school for several years and there, she advised children and parents on social skills, including how to prevent and respond to bullying. She is now in private practice in Harrison, NY and treats children, adolescents and adults, using a strengths-based approach to therapy. She also treats children and adolescents in individual therapy and social skills group at Scarsdale Family Counseling Service. Her specialty is social skills training for children.
    Susan Hendler is the owner of Sociable Kidz. Sociable Kidz is a social skills group for kids from ages 4 to 15 taught by classroom teachers. Susan writes her won curriculum for Sociable Kidz, focusing on problem solving strategies as well as teaching kids how to make friends, how to make eye-contact, how to share, teasing bullying, and so on. She has been featured on CNN as well as recently selected to be a guest speaker on "Peace of Mind with Bernie the Attorney" to discuss the Importance of Self-Esteem in Children and Bullying.

    January 28, 2012 at 11:00 a.m., Scarsdale Public Library
    Special Needs Movie Club: "The Smurfs"

    February 4, 2012 at 3:00 p.m., Scarsdale Public Library
    Special Needs Wag Your Tale, Too!

    For special needs children, including non-readers, this program offers an opportunity to sit and read aloud, if able, with a therapy dog. Please go to www.scarsdalelibrary.org to register in the "Children's" section.

    February 5, 2012 at 12:30 p.m., Scarsdale Public Library
    Therapies Series: Yoga Led by Nora LeMorin

    In this parent/child activity, Ms. LeMorin will explain the benefits of yoga for all, with emphasis on the differently-abled. You and your child will experience a fun and eye-opening yoga session, followed by a Q&A.
    Nora Nirmala LeMorin is a certified Integral Yoga Hatha teacher with almost 20 years of experience. She serves on the Board of Directors of the NY Integral Yoga Institute, and is an instructor in their Teacher Certification Program. Having crossed France with a traveling circus and walked across the United States, being in the suburban mom and yoga teacher is her greatest adventure to date! Nora began teaching yoga to children in 1998. Both personally and professionally she has an affinity for kids "on the spectrum". She likens doing yoga with that population to surfing, "exhilarating and demanding, they inspire me to stay very present and to dig deep to find balance in the calm-motion." Nora has worked with "moving" children from nursery school through high school aged, privately and integrated into group classes.
    Suggestions to participants: Do not eat a heavy meal, prior t yoga practice. Wear comfortable clothes. Yoga mats will not be used. If you would like to bring a towel and water, please do. Please RSVP to scarsdalechild@gmail.com.

    February 11, 2012 at 2:00 p.m., Scarsdale Public Library
    Special Needs Movie Club: "Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 1"
    February 15, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., Fox Meadow Elementary School
    Topic: A Parent's Guide to the Science of Speech
    Maureen Casper, Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Sciences, licensed Speech and Language Pathologist

    Explore the connections between speech and language and human development. 

    "As we move into the 21st century and advance our understanding of child developmental disabilities, parents will partner with a broad spectrum of professionals in order to ensure that their child's developmental milestones are met: academically, socially and physiologically.  In recent years, several obstacles have been overcome in the filed of neuroscience, acoustics and child language development.  Yet, these findings and directions are yet to be fully implemented within the clinical field.  A scientific understanding of speech is paramount if we are to support the emerging healthcare needs of children who struggle with the challenge of speaking, listening and integrating effectively into the world of their family and peers." 

    Dr. Casper, speech scientist and licensed speech and language pathologist holds a Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Sciences from the City University of New York Graduate Center.  Specializing in speech production, neuro-developmental and fluency disorders, Dr. Casper brings more than 24 years of experience and research to diagnostic and therapeutic practice.  Her research on the diagnosis and treatment of neurogenic speech motor disorders has been recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Speech and Language Association and the Acoustical Society of America. Dr. Casper's most recent relevant publications and presentations include:

    Casper, M. "Differential Diagnosis and Pediatric Care of Neuro-developmental  Disorders, 2nd Global Congress for Consensus inPediatric and Child Health,Moscow, Russia, 2012
    Casper, M. "Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorders," Mount Sinai Hospital, Seaver Autism Center, New York, New York , 2011
    Casper, M. ." Method and System for Tracking Pediatric Neuro-developmental  Disorders " , 1st Global Congress for Consensus in Pediatrics and Child Health, Paris France, 2011
    Casper, M. , "Method and System for Tracking Neuro-developmental Speech Motor Disorders", American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference,  Washington, D.C., 2009
    March 15, 2012 at 10:00am, Scarsdale Middle School
    Movie: "The Medicated Child" - A Frontline Video

    Always, controversial.......medication. There has been a dramatic increase in medications that are given to children for a variety of neuro/medical reasons. Is this good medicine or an uncontrolled experiment? Our culture realizes the potential harm of so many young children on these medications, but yet, they are increasingly prescribed. Nothing is known of their potential impact, their powerful influence and side effects. The movie can be viewed online at pbs.org.
    Followed by a discussion led by School Psychologists Andrea Tripodi and Dr. Elliot Cohen, Scarsdale Middle School psychologists.
    March 27, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., Fox Meadow Elementary School
    Topic:  Myers-Briggs Personality Type Assessments 
    "When teachers and students understand the differences in their teaching styles and learning styles, communication, and therefore learning, is enhanced.........When students and teachers disagree, type knowledge can help both recognize the validity of the other person's preference, while accepting the teacher in charge.  Instead of labeling the student as "misbehaving" or the teacher as "unreasonable", differences are understood and respected."

    Leonard Tallevi has been a proponent of MBTI for many years - and with great success.  He will provide a presentation that will be both explanatory, insightful and useful.  
    ***CHILD we will have limited number of MBTI inventories for parents to fill out.  Mr. Tallevi will comment on your results, so that you will have tangible feedback, with which to work.  Please note the earlier start time of the meeting - 7:00pm.  It takes about 20 minutes to fill out the test, hence the earlier time.  If you do think that you can attend the meeting, please RSVP by March 15, so that we can reserve a copy for you. scarsdalechild@gmail.com 

    Leonard Tallevi has been an esteemed Social Studies teacher at Scarsdale Middle School, since 1971.  He has been Department Chair, since 1974.  
    Mr. Tallevi is actively participating in numerous associations and the other author of many articles. Some particular areas of note:
    ~Educational Consultant for the Association of Psychological Type    1995-2001
    ~Coordinator of the international Educational Symposiums for the   Association of Psychological Type - Boston '99, Phoenix '99 & Minn. '01
    ~Coordinator of Education programs for APT Conventions '95-'01
    ~Certified Trainer for the Murphy Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children
    ~CAPT (Center for the Application of Psychological Type) International
       Conferences - has presented at these conferences since 1996
    ~Scarsdale Teacher Institute - Has taught over 40 courses on Psychological  
    ~ Presented at the local, state, national and international levels on  
       educational issues involving type instruction and learning styles,  
       assessment, mentoring and supervision.
    ~ Has worked with countless teachers, administrators and administrative  
       councils, and boards of education to improve their efficacy.
    ~ Paid consultant to the Urban Institute of Mathematics (under a grant from
       CAPT) to examine the efficacy of Type in schools.  2009 - present
    ~ Currently, working with CAPT in researching how teaching to Sensing and
        Intuitive learners affects their achievement.   
    And that's only the half of it!   Please join us and open your mind. 

    Sunday, April 1, 2012 at 1:30 p.m., Scarsdale Public Library
    Therapies Series: Yoga for Children with Unique and Special Needs
    See earlier description above. This event was run by the Scarsdale Public Library 
    April 17, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., Fox Meadow Elementary School
    Topic:  The B.O.L.D. Program: Effective parenting for children on the autism spectrum

    An Overview of B.O.L.D. Parenting (Behaviorial Organization Leading to Development) - Transformative Approaches to Behavior and Language for Children with Autism and Related Disorders. Presented by Marion Blank, Ph.D., lecturer in Psychiatry, Columbia University, co-director of the Developmental Neuropsychiatry Program, Columbia University.


    Marion Blank, Ph.D. is director of A Light on Learning in the Developmental Neuropsychiatry Program, Columbia University. Her innovative approaches have enabled her to teach reading and writing --even to children who do not speak. Her work has received international recognition and her tests and programs are used throughout the world.

    We also heard the perspective of a parent, Susan Deland, whose daughter has been seen by Dr. Blank since 2003. Ms. Deland is motivated to share her experience with Dr. Blank's program in the hope that others may benefit from the same program, and notes that parents are the key implementers. 
    April 26, 2012, 9:15-11:30 a.m., 
    Breakfast Meeting: At a private home in Scarsdale
    Topic: Navigating the Challenges for Parents of Children with Special Needs
    Presented by Harriet Weinberger, MSED, Special Education Consultant. We discussed:
  • How to meet the challenge of your child's CSE meeting. 
  • How to find out if your child's IEP is meeting their needs
  • What alternatives are available to support our children socially, emotionally and academically?
  • How to prepare yourself for the next best step in your child's education.
    We also shared, learned and gained support among those who are experiencing or have experienced similar anxieties.
    May 3, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., Fox Meadow Elementary School
    Topic:  Transitions and Expectations: From High School Special Education to College Disability Services
    Carin Horowitz, LMSW, Director of Disability Services, Manhattanville College
       Contact: (914) 323-7127, carin.horowitz@mville.edu, and
    Polly Waldman, Associate Dean of Studies and Disability Services, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville
       Contact: (914) 395-2235, pwaldman@sarahlawrence.edu
    A presentation on the  transition from high school special education to college disability accommodations and services -  what is helpful in the planning; the difference between accommodations and services, high school and postsecondary.  Learn how disability services work at the college level and specifically at both of our schools.  Hear what is helpful in the transition process and gain an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities both preparing for college and in college.
    Recorded video of this meeting is available on the District's web site under District Information, Scarsdale Cable TV, Video on Demand, 2011-2012 Videos, Other 2011-2012.