Study SkillsHere are study skills that will be useful for all subjects!Below are documents and websites that provide strategies for note taking, studying for tests and actual test taking. The documents contain a summary of what the web links below them offer.Note taking:
Note Taking Summary Note taking summary Note Taking Websites http://www.arc.sbc.edu/notes.html Taking Notes From a Book http://www.studygs.net/marking.htm Taking Notes in Class http://www.studygs.net/lcturnote.htm Taking Notes in Class http://www.educationatlas.com/taking-notes-in-class.html#ixzz1XNfVKwIi Studying for tests:Studying for Tests Summary Studying for tests Studying for Tests Website http://www.infoplease.com/homework/studyskills4.html#ixzz1XSpqhQ23 Study Skills Test Taking Summary Test Taking Website http://www.studygs.net/tsttak1.htm