Senior Options
Page Navigation
- Introduction
- Forms/Paperwork
- Sponsors
- Types of Senior Options
- Some Previous Projects
- Teacher (Mentor) Responsibilities
- List of Mentors
- Finding Your Sponsor for Internships
- Sponsor Interview
- Writing & Submitting Your Proposal
- AP/AT Classes & Your Plans
- Requirements
- Important Dates
- Who's My Case Manager?
- Leaving for Senior Options/Preparing for your Presentation
- Mentors (teachers)
- Parents
Scarsdale High School
Final Presentation InstructionsPRESENTATION PROCEDURES
Presentations and the audiences for them will be organized via core groups. These are groups of students organized by mentor who will present to each other, their mentor(s), and their invited guests. Mentors with fewer than 4 mentees will be paired with other mentors and their mentees to make up a core group. Each core group will need a block of 2 hours for all of its presentations and feedback. Student presenters are required to stay for all of their core group's presentations.
Time and place:
- Mentors and their mentees will be given a time block and room assignment on this year's presentation day.
- All in-school sites will be equipped with multimedia presentation stations. Requests for other school equipment (i.e.: piano) must be made as far in advance as possible to assign the appropriate room.
Planning Presentations:
- Students should use their last meetings with their mentors to discuss the content and format of their presentations. Presentations are generally 20-30 minutes long, can use a variety of formats and leave room for discussion and questions. Students who have worked on the same project or who have worked at the same site can present collectively but should modify the length of the presentation appropriately.
- Students should discuss presentation possibilities with their sponsors and invite them to their presentations.
- Students should invite guests: friends, parents, and teachers.
- More suggestions here
After Presentations:
- Mentees must fill out a required evaluation form and return it to their mentor.
Parents are also encouraged to fill out an evaluation form after their child’s presentation.
PRESENTATION & FINAL EVALUATION REQUIREMENTS- Students must upload their Google slide presentations to their Senior Options Google Classroom.
- If students do not include a google slide in their presentation (such as a live demo - car oil change, musical performances), they must upload an outline of their plans.
The Senior Options Committee is eliminating paper evaluation forms and is now using Schoolwires Surveys to complete all evaluation forms. Please use the LINKS for Student, Mentor, Parent and Sponsor Evaluation Surveys. This data is important and the committee uses it to implement policy changes, so we ask your help in making sure they are completed.
- Student Evaluation -- At the final mentor meeting (prior to their presentations), students will pull up the survey and complete it.
- Mentor Evaluation – mentors will log on to their accounts and complete this survey.
- Parent Evaluation – an email blast will be sent to all parents. Mentors will remind parents at the final presentations to take 5 minutes and complete the survey.
- Sponsor Evaluation – an email blast will be sent to all sponsors. Mentors will ask sponsors during their final communication to take 5 minutes and complete the survey.
- Mentors and their mentees will be given a time block and room assignment on this year's presentation day.