Orengo, Enrique: Instrumental Music
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Instrumental classes are performance classes by design, where music teachers informally assess student ability several times each class. New for this year will be a more formal assessment of the students in the third grade. We hope these assessments will give both you and the students better information about their progress.
To help with this effort we have created an assessment rubric described below. The categories outlined represent all the important aspects of
good beginning musicianship. There are some technical terms that you may not know. We are in the process of making some short videos that will give you a good idea of the tasks and quality we are looking for. These videos will soon be on our teacher pages as well.
Students will be assessed in May on the rubric as an exit exam, although they will receive report card comments throughout the year.
Strings Grade 3 Assessment
Rationale for Final Assessment for Strings:
We will base our assessment on the following criteria. Students will be measured as “Does Not Meet Basic”, “Basic”,“Proficient” or “Advanced”.
Performing pieces represents a complete level of understanding and synthesis of all the tasks (i.e. knowing how to prepare the bow and good playing posture, knowing how to produce tone and coordinate fingers ) and information (i.e. what the notes and rhythms are) that have been presented in class. In other words, the “test” and the “goal” (musical performance) are the same.
As the students are coming into this class for the most part as complete beginners and pre-assessment component is unnecessary.
The final assessment pieces will be heard individually or in small groups during class time in the spring of 2012.
Final Assessment Pieces:
Bile Them Cabbages on A and on D (with the bow)memorized with at least one variation created (improvised) from the rhythms studied.
Monkey Song on A and on D (with the bow) memorized with at least one variation created (improvised) from the rhythms studied.
Memorize the first phrase of Twinkle in D major(pizz)3rd Grade Exit Exam Performance Rubric
Tone: 4 3 2 1
Placement over f holes
Correct starting placement
Bow parallel to bridge
Appropriate bow pressure
Appropriate bow speed
Accuracy: 4 3 2 1
Accuracy of fingering
Accuracy of pitch
Accuracy of rhythm
Steadiness of rhythms
Technique: 4 3 2 1
Rest position
Sitting position
Instrument playing position
Left Hand-
Straight wrist position
Curved fingers
Relaxed thumb
Right Hand-
Finger placement
Thumb placement
Instrument Care: 4 3 2 1
Putting on Sponge (violins)
Correct use of endpin (cellos)
Tightening/ loosening of bow
Rosining bow
Memorization 4 3 2 1 TOTAL___________Definitions:
4 - Advanced
3 - Proficient
2 - Basic
1 - Does not meet Basic
Tone is clear and consistent, and there are little or no discrepancies.
Accuracy is satisfactory pitch and rhythm are precise.
Student demonstrates good posture and position.The student’s sitting posture, instrument hold, and bow hold do not limit tone production, accurate pitch, and coordination.
Student’s instrument care is satisfactory.
Student’s memorization is excellent with no missed notes.
Tone is generally satisfactory, but there are a few minor discrepancies. There is some evidence of harshness, forced, and scratchy sound.
Accuracy is generally satisfactory but there is some lack of pitch and rhythmic precision.
Student demonstrates acceptable posture and position.The student’s sitting posture, instrument hold, and bow hold somewhat limit tone production, accurate pitch, and coordination.
Student’s instrument care is generally satisfactory with some major inconsistencies.
Basic Level:
Tone is generally satisfactory, but there are a few major discrepancies. There is evidence of harshness, forced, and scratchy sound.
Accuracy is generally satisfactory but there is a lack of pitch and rhythmic precision.
Student demonstrates marginally acceptable posture and position.
The student’s sitting posture, instrument hold, and bow hold limit tone production, accurate pitch, and coordination.
Student’s instrument care is generally satisfactory with some major inconsistencies.
Student’s memorization is marginally acceptable with frequent missed notes.Does Not Meet Basic Level:
Tone is poor.It is mostly harsh, forced, and scratchy or without contact with the string.
Accuracy is unsatisfactory. There is mostly a lack of pitch and rhythmic precision.
Student demonstrates poor posture and position.The student’s sitting posture, instrument hold, and bow hold limit tone production, accurate pitch, and coordination.
Student’s instrument care is generally unsatisfactory. Students are not able to demonstrate instrument care knowledge.
Student’s memorization is unacceptable with mostly missed notes.