At the Beginning of the Day: From 8:45 a.m.-8:55 a.m. 3sh students come into the classroom. Attendance is taken at 8:55a.m. They put away bus notes and lunch slips on respective clipboards. Your child should know how he or she is getting home every day. Please go over the day's plans with your son or daughter the night before. All of the planning should occur before your child comes to school. Any changes from your child's regular dismissal schedule require a note to me. I greatly appreciate your efforts to be organized and help your child learn good organizational skills for bus dismissal. Please remember to make your child's after school arrangements before your child comes to school that day. Last minute non-emergency changes are disruptive to the classroom and place a strain on the office staff. The main office does not interrupt instruction in the classroom except for an emergency.
At the End of the Day:
Pickups will line up at 3:05-3:10 with Mrs. Milo who will take them to the rooms 41, 42, and 43. All bus students are walked into the gym at 3:10pm. If your child is a walker, we need a written permission note from you, the parent, stating that your child has permission to sign themselves out each day in the pick-up room and walk home from there. Once After School Clubs begin, students will walk down to the auditorium where they will be met by an adult who is supervising their arrival. There are no After School Clubs on HALF DAYS. When your child is absent or will not be attending the After School Club, it is a parent's responsibility to let the After School Club know this information.