•                                          MUSIC AND "PLANETARY" CONNECTIONS IN THE 5TH GRADE 
                                                                            solar system  
    The Fifth Graders will be listening to the music of the English composer Gustav Holst.  He composed the brilliant orchestral suite
    The Planets.  The 5th graders have be explored the melodies, rhythms, tone colors and form of the different sections or movements of this work.
    Previous students have improvised pieces to describe Jupiter and then compare their use of dynamics, tempi and instruments to those of Mr. Holst's musical choices.  They also illustrated words that have described their initial responses to the music of "Jupiter" and incorporated these words into improvisations.  A sample work of an IMovie in progress can be listened to and viewed here:
    Louder                       Majestic
    To listen to Mr. Holst's music for Jupiter, you can connect to the CLASSICSFORKIDS website (look under the MUSIC column; then Hear the Music).
    Enjoy listening to "Jupiter" and reading the biography of Mr. Holst!