• Welcome to Mrs. McDermott's 
    School Wires Page!


    Mrs. McDermott
    4th Grade


    I hope you will find this web page to be a convenient way to access information about our class. Here you will be able to find resources for our class. You might also like to take a look at the units of study that we will cover this year. Also, be sure to check out the calendar for upcoming events. I hope you find this to be a helpful resource.


    Our primary platform, however, is our Google Classroom. You can join our classroom by logging into your child's Google account and joining our class with our class code that will be provided at Open House.  You can view our Google Classroom at any time.


    I thank you, as always, for your continued interest and support.  If you need to contact me, please don't hesitate to call the office or email me at kmcdermott@scarsdaleschools.org.


    Mrs. Katie McDermott