All assignments, projects, handouts, etc. can be found by class on Schoology. Assessments and homework will appear on the calendar in Schoology as well as in the weekly folders. Choice teachers also use the grade book feature of Schoology so students and parents can view grades at any time.
Extra Help:
I am available each morning from 7:30 - 8:10 and at lunch unless my schedule has me teaching the other grade. I coach volleyball after school during September and October, so I will be available after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday beginning in November. I do ask that students let me know if they are coming in to see me.
Homework is given 2 - 4 times per week and some are submitted via Schoology. I am looking to see that the student made an effort to complete the assignment with the necessary work shown. In 7th grade, a student may receive half credit if the homework is turned in within three school days of the assignment's due date. In 8th grade, no credit is given for late homework. I work under the assumption that the average homework assignment takes between 10 and 20 minutes to complete for seventh grade and 15 - 30 minutes for eighth grade. Unit test review assignments may take longer.
Tests and Quizzes:
With the exception of the very rare pop quiz ("popportunity"!), all assessments will be announced at least three days in advance. Extra practice materials are posted with the assignment on Schoology. Generally, a student can expect a quiz or a test once every week or so. These must be completed in pencil.
I suggest one three-ring binder for all CHOICE classes to keep the few papers you will receive from us. All other work is done on the iPad. Graph paper and a scientific calculator are also needed for math class.
My 7th-grade class does not use a textbook. 8th grade will use the Pearson Algebra 1 textbook which can be signed out for the year if the student wishes.