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Thinking of Moving to Scarsdale?How can I find out if my residence is within Scarsdale Public Schools district boundaries?Some homes in this area have a Scarsdale mailing address, but are not within the Scarsdale School District. If you do not know whether your current or a prospective residence is within Scarsdale Public Schools district boundaries, you may call the Census/District Registrar at (914) 721-2444 or email
How do we register for school or for transportation?
The District offers a registration system which allows parents/guardians to enter student information, as well as requests for transportation, online. For further information about registration, click here. For further information about transportation eligibility, click here.What is the age cutoff for kindergarten registration? When do we register?
Children whose fifth birthday falls on or before December 31 may be registered for kindergarten that year. Kindergarten registration is usually scheduled in March, but registration in all grades is accepted year-round for new residents. For further information about kindergarten registration, click here.How do I know which elementary school my child will attend?
Enrollment in one of the five elementary schools is determined by the neighborhood in which you live. Click here for a map of the school district outlining elementary attendance zones. If you do not know which elementary school serves your neighborhood, you may call the District Registrar at (914) 721-2444 or send an email to For further information about registration, click here.Are there differences among the elementary schools?
All five elementary schools follow the same curriculum; while each school has its own personality and style, the standards of teaching and student services are uniformly high throughout the District.
How do I arrange for a school tour?School tours are arranged through the individual school offices. Please call the school directly to make arrangements. For school contact information, click here.Do you have a “gifted and talented” program?Scarsdale provides enrichment activities for students who are “interested and able” as part of our overall commitment to differentiation of instruction in all classrooms. It does not have separate classes for “interested and able” children.What is the practice regarding elementary class size?Maximum class sizes in the elementary grades are 22 students in grades K-3, and 24 students in grades 4-5.What evaluations and services are available for my child with special needs?The Special Education Department addresses the education needs of children in the District who have identifiable disabilities, from age 3 until age 21, or until they receive their high school diplomas. Consistent with state requirements, the District arranges for multi-disciplinary evaluations, which for 3-5 year-olds is conducted by County-approved providers, and for school-age children age 5-21 by District personnel, supplemented by outside specialists when appropriate. For further information on services provided by the Special Education Department, please visit their page.What math curriculum do you use in the elementary schools?The District's elementary math curriculum reflects the revised Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards and best practices articulated by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. After a multi-year, collaborative, and in-depth review process, Scarsdale chose the research-based resources and structures of Reveal Math to guide our program K-5.As educators, we believe that the teaching and learning of mathematics is essential for the development of intellectually curious students. Math encourages problem-solving, logical reasoning, effective communication, and critical and creative thinking. It is our goal to ensure that students develop a life-long love of math that grows from engaging classroom experiences. By attending to the Eight Mathematical Practice Standards, students will have thoughtful and consistent opportunities to construct deep understandings of math content and applications.For a description of our rationale, key changes, and implementation process, you can watch our October 2022 presentation for parents and guardians linked here.What foreign language instruction do you offer?World Language instruction begins in second grade, with Spanish offered through fifth grade. Click for the Elementary Spanish curriculum page. Starting in sixth grade at the Middle School, students may choose French or Spanish. In High School, Latin and Mandarin are also available, in addition to Spanish and French.How is the Middle School structured?The Middle School (with an enrollment of approximately 1,200 students) is divided into four Houses, which provides a helpful transition from the contained classrooms of elementary school, and prepares students for the transition to high school. Sixth, seventh and eighth grade teams of students and teachers are organized in each House; each House is run by a House Counselor who meets weekly with each team. For more information on the structure and curriculum of the Middle School, please visit their page.What does the High School curriculum offer?Click for the The High School Course Catalog.For a general overview of the High School and student achievement, see the Scarsdale High School Profile.