"It is so nice to be thanked and feel appreciated, but it is doubly nice to know that a donation has been made to help our students."
- SHS Faculty Member
As the end of the school year approaches, please consider paying tribute to faculty or staff members and/or graduates by making a contribution in their honor to the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College. What better way to express your thanks while contributing to an important cause that will help Scarsdale graduates continue their education?
This year let's celebrate our graduates from 5th, 8th and SHS Seniors as they each embark on their new journeys in education by honoring them and helping someone else get the gift of education through our scholarship fund.
OPTION 1 - Customized e-Letters: The Scholarship Fund will send customized e-letters directly to educators or graduates you wish to honor. You provide the name and email address, and the Scholarship Fund sends the customized message via email.
Customized e-Letters are $24 for one or $20 each for 3 or more and are tax-deductible. If you would like to donate a larger amount on behalf of an honoree, please email
SHS PTA Scholarship.
Dear [Honoree],
It is my pleasure to inform you that a donation has been made in your honor to the Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund for College by [Donor].
All donations to the Scholarship Fund directly aid Scarsdale's graduating high school seniors who need financial assistance for college. We know from feedback we have received over the years that these freshman year grants have changed people's lives.
We are fortunate in this community to have people who understand that there are students here who need assistance to attend college. As you may know, this “Gift of Education” will have a very real impact on the lives of Scarsdale's high school seniors who will receive tuition grants for college.
The Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund Grant Committee thanks [Donor] for donating, and we thank you as well for inspiring them to do so.
Beth Cukier
SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College
OPTION 2 - Honoree and Graduate Cards: The Scholarship Fund has printed lovely Honoree and Graduate cards for you to personalize and send. Cards are $24 for one or $20 each for 3 or more and are tax-deductible. We will notify you when your order is available for pick-up.
Honoree cards are great gifts for anyone who made your child(ren)'s educational experience special, such as friends, teachers, retirees, principals, counselors, aides, and/or school staff members.
Graduate cards are suitable not only for high school and college students but also for those moving up from elementary and middle school.
OPTION 3 - General Donation: In addition to or in lieu of cards and honoree letters, you may donate directly to the Scholarship Fund.
Donations to the Scholarship Fund are fully tax-deductible and may be eligible for a matching grant program at your place of business.