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SHS PTA Scholarship Fund Application and Dean's Form
The Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund for College provides grants to graduating SHS seniors who wish to attend college but need assistance to pay for their first year. Grants are based strictly on financial need, the number of applicants in any given year, and available funds. Grant amounts generally range from $1,000 to $7,500. All applications are held in the strictest confidence.
To apply for a scholarship for the 2024-25 school year, follow this link to complete the application as a Google form.
In addition, please ask your dean to complete the Dean's Form.
Follow the instructions provided in the application to submit your completed application along with all required supporting documentation on or before Monday, May 6, 2024.
If you have questions, please contact SHS PTA Scholarship Fund Chair Beth Cukier.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- For what part of college are SHS PTA Scholarship fund grants valid? Grants are valid for freshman year or the equivalent of the first two semesters of college. Students in need of aid for their remaining college years may apply to the Scarsdale Foundation.
- When will decisions about grants be made? Grants are determined in mid-June, when all redacted applications are discussed by the Scholarship Fund Grant Committee.
- How are grants paid? Grants are paid directly to the school in two half-installments at the beginning of each semester.
- What if I receive a grant but then need to take time off from college? We understand! Students may take up to a total of one year off before or after starting college according to the following conditions:
- Students must begin freshman year of college no later than one year after the Fall of the calendar year in which the grant was awarded. E.g. if a grant is awarded in Spring 2023, the student must begin classes no later than Fall 2024 for the grant to remain valid.
- Grants are valid until two years after they were awarded. E.g. if a grant is awarded in Spring 2023, it will be valid until and including Spring Semester 2025.
- What if I receive a grant but then change colleges? Again, we understand. Transfers are permitted while the grant is valid as stated above. In addition:
- If a grant recipient changes colleges after the original application was evaluated, the student is required to notify AND submit the Financial Aid package information for the new college to Meredith Kent, SHS PTA Scholarship Fund Treasurer.
- The SHS PTA Scholarship Fund Committee reserves the right to re-evaluate the grant based on the costs and Financial Aid package of the new college.