• SHS Compact Committee Information

    The Compact for Learning is a New York State mandated team whose mission is to provide opportunities for parents, teachers, students, support staff and administrators to participate in shared decision-making regarding educational policies and issues. Compact teams have been in place in all seven of the Scarsdale Schools since 1994. The High School site-based team is comprised of five teachers, five parents (one of whom is the PTA president or the president's designee), two administrators, two students and one member of the support staff. Each constituent group selects its own representatives.

    What is required of a Compact team member? To fulfill the mission of the Compact team, a member must be able to:
    • Put students' educational needs first.
    • Help foster a school culture that values and promotes the best teaching and learning methods available.
    • Promote communication and cooperation between and among students, faculty, administrators and parents.
    The SHS Compact Committee meets regularly throughout the year, traditionally on Friday mornings from 10am to 11am six to eight times each school year. The term for the SHS PTA parent member position is two years. In past years, the Compact Committee has explored a variety of topics related to SHS goals including: utilization of hybrid and remote teaching models during the pandemic, re-evaluating AT vs. AP courses, wellness, the high school schedule, values and beliefs, the impact of cell phone use on our students, and resilience, among other things.
    Thank you to the following volunteers for offering to serve on the Compact Committee for the next 2 years:
    Kate Eichel
    Stacey Kaufman
    Jennifer Zola
    You can read their candidate bios here.
    All PTA members in good standing are encouraged to vote for 2 candidates.  Voting will close at 5PM on Thursday, May 23rd.  Vote here.
    If you have any questions, please contact Beth Cukier at shspta10583@gmail.com.