Receiving Physical Education Credit for Interscholastic Sports Participation

  • Students must:

      • be in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.
      • be in good academic standing in Physical Education.
      • be on the roster of a Scarsdale High School athletic team.
        • Injured students are expected to attend practices and contests to remain eligible.  If there are medical circumstances, an athlete’s circumstances can be reviewed upon submitting a doctor’s note.
        • If an athlete quits or is removed from a team before the end of the season, the athlete must promptly return to his/her Physical Education class.  If the athlete does not return promptly, the physical education unit may need to be repeated in a future quarter. 
      • have achieved the Healthy Fitness Zone standards in all components of the most current FitnessGram fitness test for the requested quarter.
      • read, sign, and submit a request.
        • Athletes and parents must read, sign, and submit a request each season.
      • attend physical education classes until their request is approved by the Physical Education and Athletic Office staff and confirmed with their physical education teacher. 


    A student may only miss SEVEN or fewer scheduled practices or contests. Once a student misses EIGHT or more scheduled practices or contests, they will need to return to their assigned Physical Education class immediately.  For teams that do not meet 5 or 6 days per week (Squash, Fencing, Bowling, etc.), a student may only miss TWO or fewer scheduled practices or contests. Once a student on these teams miss THREE or more scheduled practices or contests, they will need to return to their assigned Physical Education class immediately.  ALL absences are counted, including school-related and non-school-related absences.  Please note that this limit is only for credit-granting purposes as coaches may have their own separate team rules regarding absences.


    Applications will be reviewed once team rosters are submitted to the Athletic Office. Review of these applications can take up to two weeks. Students must submit a new request for each season. Applications are due by the second week of each quarter as the SHS add/drop deadlines are within two weeks of the start of any course (Q1 due September 16, 2024; Q2 due November 22, 2024; Q3 due February 14, 2025; Q4 due May 2, 2025). The application window will be closed after these dates. 


    SHS physical education credit for athletic participation may be requested in the following manner:

    • Fall Sports- May earn credit for the 1st quarter after team rosters and contracts have been submitted to the Athletic Office.
    • Winter Sports- JV and Varsity winter athletes participating in sports other than Winter Track or Ski may only earn 2nd quarter credit; Winter athletes participating in Track or Ski may only earn 3rd quarter credit only. Requests are granted only after the team roster and contracts have been submitted to the Athletic Office.
    • Spring Sports- May earn credit for the 4th quarter after team rosters and contracts have been submitted to the Athletic Office. 


    Grading is based on participation in practices and contests and the demonstration of sportsmanship throughout the season. Athletes missing eight or more practices or contests will be ineligible to receive credit.


    To apply, click this link