• Senior Information, Instructions, and Forms 

    SCOIR logo

    Scarsdale High School will be continuing to use Scoir (pronounced “score”) as our college research and application management system. Scoir is used to not only research colleges, but also request, process, send, and track the electronic delivery of all application-related documents. Students can even apply to colleges using Scoir. Please click on the image above to log in.


    Senior College Application Process Webinar (Sept 2024)



    Helpful Instructions:

    Scoir Student Experience Video

    Requesting Transcript video screenshot

    Instructions for Requesting your Transcript


    Letters of recommendation video screenshot


    Completing ED Agreement screenshot video


    Common App snapshot

    Common Application Instructions


    University of California Application Instructions

    UC App snapshot



    * Please Find *

    Transcript Release Form

     Graduation & Diploma Form

    Senior Update Form

    First Marking Period Release Form

    on your Dean's Google Classroom page


Maroon graduation cap