
    Technology Resources

    1)  EquatIO


    EquatIO helps students more easily write math expressions.

    • Dictate, type, or handwrite math equations to have them automatically uploaded to a Google Doc or other document
    • The software understands what is being typed or handwritten, and turns those expressions into clear, accurate on-screen formulas


    2) Read & Write for Google 


    Read & Write for Google is a Chrome extension that makes documents, web pages, and common file types more accessible for students with different learning abilities.

    • Words or passages can be read out loud using the text-to-speech feature
    • Text and pictures come with dictionaries
    • Word-prediction tool suggests phrases as you type
    • Dictate words and they appear on the screen, eliminating handwriting
    • Type directly on PDFs


    3) Mindomo


    Mindomo is mind-mapping software that allows students to create collaborative concept maps, outlines, and charts that simplify project planning.

    • Progress from outline to graphical mind maps with one click, simplifying the outlining process for students who struggle to organize and rearrange their ideas
    • Students may embed videos and graphics in their mind maps
    • Includes templates for different types of writings, like a persuasive essay


     4. ReaderQ


    ReaderQ is a Chrome Add On that eliminates distractions when reading web pages and help readers get to the main point of what they’re reading.

    • Adjust the text display to show highlighting and varied text sizes, as well as annotations
    • Select and save keywords and phrases. A limit is placed on how much is selected to make sure only relevant points are saved
    • Used frequently by middle- or high-school students who need to reference information on the web when writing reports


     5. ModMath


    ModMath was designed by parents of a boy with dyslexia and dysgraphia to simplify basic math problems and detailed equations through the use of a touchscreen and keypad.

    • The app's virtual graph paper creates a pencil-free format in which to complete arithmetic
    • Older students can complete more complex math equations inside the tool




     Students can approach teachers with conversations starters like:


    • I’m struggling with ________________. Can we talk about it later?
    • I’m working hard, but I’m still not understanding. Can you help me?
    • This is what I know. Am I on the right track?
    • I’m not sure what I need. Can you help me?
    • Can you give me advice about ________  ?