• SHS PTA Committees and Volunteer Opportunities (2023-24)
    Volunteer image

    Below is a description of the SHS PTA job functions and committees. We offer various volunteer opportunities designed to suit everyone's schedule. Certain PTA roles are fulfilled by just one or two individuals or by those elected to the Executive Committee while other committees provide options, both large and small, for multiple parent volunteers.

    Please contact the PTA at shspta10583@gmail.com to express interest in helping with particular activities.  We welcome your involvement and appreciate your interest!

    SHS PTA Committees
    • Audit - Audit the SHS PTA books in July, after the close of the fiscal year (June 30).
    • BOE Budget Study - Follow the school district budget development process, attend Board of Education budget study meetings to gather information and ask clarifying questions, report to PTA on budget issues/proposals that affect SHS, make recommendations and help craft SHS PTA public comments concerning the school district budget.
    • Budget - Propose the following year's SHS PTA budget for membership approval at the final PTA meeting of the year (per bylaws, SHS PTA Treasurer serves as chair).
    • Communications/E-blast - Compose weekly Sunday e-blasts throughout the year, working closely with all committee chairs, treasurer, and webmaster to gather pertinent information (SHS PTA Corresponding Secretary handles this function).
    • Directory/Membership - Compile, edit, proofread, and disseminate SHS Student Directory, including both print and password-protected online versions; track membership for purposes of activating online directory access and reporting to NYS PTA under guidance of PT Council (SHS PTA Vice President of School Events and Membership chairs this committee).
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) - Guided by the District DEI Policy and in collaboration with DEI projects undertaken by the school, faculty and students, our newly established SHSPTA DEI Committee will communicate DEI information relevant to SHS, promote inclusivity of racial, ethnic, gender, neuro and other diversities, provide feedback and support, organize speaker events and parent/ faculty book discussion groups, and create other opportunities for cross-cultural interactions, to help build a culture where everyone feels included, respected and valued. Please visit the District's DEI page for additional resources.
    • Hospitality - Arrange for refreshments at designated PTA and school functions (SHS PTA Vice President of School Events and Membership chairs this committee).
    • Legislative Advocacy - Study and disseminate information concerning federal, state, and local legislation impacting schools and educational policy under guidance of PT Council.
    • Multicultural Families - Plan programs and activities for international and American parents to share and celebrate their diverse cultures and traditions, including: a welcome breakfast for parents to meet and ask questions of representatives from the school administration, counseling department, world language department, and the youth outreach workers in an informal setting; a Thanksgiving Pot Luck Luncheon held in conjunction with the SMS PTA (for parents and District administrators); and an international parent college information coffee, intended for parents of 11th grade students, in which deans address questions about the college admissions process.
    • New Families - Plan and host a coffee early in the year for families new to SHS. Welcome families who move into the community during the year.
    • Nutrition and Cafeteria - Work with High School and District Administration to improve the lunch experience for students and increase the nutritional value of food offerings.
    • Photo Week - Attend student photo sessions for yearbook pictures in September, assisting as needed.
    • Pre-Prom Reception - Plan decorations and light refreshments for the "red carpet" party at the High School before students board the district-provided buses to the Prom (parents of 11th grade students needed).
    • Programming - Plan speakers, panels, and other topics for discussion at SHS PTA meetings and coordinate efforts with counterparts in other PTAs within the District (SHS PTA Vice President of Volunteers, Committees, and Programming chairs this committee).
    • Publicity - Arrange local press coverage and/or report and photograph newsworthy school and PTA events, including supervision for SHS PTA social media.
    • Scholarship Fund for College - Raise funds to provide grants to SHS seniors who wish to attend college but need assistance to pay for their first year.
    • Senior Transition Day Luncheon - Decorate and cater for Senior Transition Day in June (parents of 12th grade students needed).
    • Student Driver Safety - Coordinate the safe driving assembly that all high school students and parents are required to attend in order for students to have permission to drive to and park at SHS; gather useful links and resources for posting on the Teen Driving Safety page of the SHS PTA website.
    • Student-to-Student College Night for Juniors - Match recent SHS graduates and current SHS 11th grade studentss for interactive discussion on what college is really like.
    • Summer Activities Fair - Coordinate and publicize the Summer Activities Fair, which showcases camps, trips, sports, community service activities and academic programs for teens.
    • Sustainability - Help to incorporate the ideals of environmental sustainability in our school community.
    • Technology/Website - Assist with SHS PTA technology needs and serve as webmaster for SHS PTA website.
    • Tours for Prospective Families/Students - Serve as point person and coordinator for prospective families planning to visit the high school, matching their schedules with that of SHS students who are trained and available to lead tours of the building.

    SHS Committees Departments/Programs with SHS PTA Representatives and/or Parent Volunteer Assistance
    • Alternative School - Assist with A-School activities, as needed (parents of 10th, 11th, and 12th grade A-School students needed).
    • College and Career Center (Room 336) - Under the supervision of the Counseling Department, staff the school's College and Career Center, which provides information for parents and students about colleges, scholarships, financial aid, and summer programs. Volunteers must attend the mandatory training session with the Deans in early September.
    • Compact Committee - SHS PTA President and four elected parent representatives serve alongside administrators, teachers, support staff, and students on the building team of this state-mandated committee charged with implementing the Compact for Learning District Plan, as adopted by the Board of Education and amended periodically.
    • Facilities Committee (as needed)
    • Library - Work with the school librarians to keep the SHS Library organized for the students.
    • Parent/Teacher Conferences - Chairs assist in preparing materials to be used by the timekeepers and manage parent volunteers during the two evening Parent/Teacher Conferences that take place in October; parent volunteers sign up separately for timekeeping assignments through PT Wizard.
    • Safety Committee - SHS PTA President serves on building committee alongside school administration, faculty, staff, and representatives of Village Police Department to monitor and address safety concerns within the school building and campus.
    • Search Committees (as needed)
    • Student Government - SHS PTA President attends monthly Student Government meetings.
    • Student Wellness Committee - Promote a community that is welcoming, inclusive and supportive of individuals' passions and interests.

    PT Council Committees with SHS PTA Representation

    District-wide Committees with SHS PTA Representation
    • Compact Committee - SHS PTA President serves on District-wide Compact Committee to relay information concerning SHS Compact Committee’s focus and activities.
    • Facilities Committee (as needed) - SHS PTA President serves on or appoints a representative to serve on Facilities Committees run by Asst. Superintendent Stuart Mattey, as needed, to consider larger facilities work such as items to be included in a bond referendum or in the capital lines of the school budget.
    • Food Services Committee - SHS PTA representative attends District Food Services Committee meetings and subcommittee meetings, as assigned, and brings feedback to Asst. Superintendent for Business Stuart Mattey for the purpose of improving the menu, logistics, and communications relating to food services at SHS.
    • Safety Committee - SHS PTA President serves on District-wide Safety Committee to relay information concerning SHS building level Safety Committee’s focus and activities and to represent SHS parent body in discussions.
    • Search Committees (as needed) - SHS PTA President serves on or appoints a representative to serve on search committee panels run by Asst. Superintendent Drew Patrick, as needed, to fill District administrative positions.

    Community Organizations with SHS PTA Liaison Representation
    • Friends of Music & the Arts (FMA) - The PTA liaison is the contact person for his school, answering questions as needed and to serve as active members of FMA, attending FMA meetings when possible, helping at events, and helping at Band/Orchestra/Chorus concerts manning an FMA information table. The liaison should be a person who has a child in music/arts/drama.
    • Scarsdale Adult School (SAS) - The PTA liaison serves as a member of the SAS Advisory Committee that meets twice a year on Monday evenings, once in the fall and once in the semester, to brainstorm course ideas and to provide suggestions and feedback. The liaison is also responsible for bringing information, updates and opportunities directly back to the PTA through announcements at PTA meetings, email, and word-of-mouth.
    • Scarsdale Drug & Alcohol Task Force (DATF) - The PTA liaison attends all monthly Friday morning board meetings as a non-voting member to provide suggestions and feedback concerning the activities of the task force and the needs of the school community. The liaison is responsible for relaying information back to the PTA through announcements at PTA meetings, email, and word-of-mouth and for keeping the PTA Executive Committee informed about initiatives.