Passwords are like toothbrushes…
- They are private
- You don’t share them
- You change them often
This has not been the case for many students, and we believe that it’s in everyone’s best interest if all students take appropriate steps to ensure online security.
Passwords are now managed by a system called Active Directory. This is the password students use for their school Google accounts (and everything connected to the Google account), Schoology, school computer log-ins, Notability back-ups to Google Drive, as well as other programs and student devices on the BYOD network.
To change your password:- Go to the Password Update Website
- Enter your username and CURRENT password
- Enter and confirm a new password, FOLLOWING THE PAGE’S PASSWORD RULES
After changing your password:- You will need to re-login and update saved passwords on many accounts, including:
- Google Drive
- School email
- Schoology
- Notability (auto back-up)
- Discovery Education Techbook
- School computers
- You may be asked to create a new keychain on school computers (you should).
If you forget or experience some difficulty with, your new password, see one of the following members of the Computer Department:- Mr. Pincus (Butler)
- Ms. Cronk (Cooper)
- Ms. Marx (Butler)
- Our Tech Support Center (in lower Cooper)
Related Video: Change Password