Fass, Jessica: Art 8
Page Navigation
- About My Classroom
- Long Term Homework Assignment
- "Art Talk"
- Getting to Know You Books
- Accordion Books
- Illuminated Letters
- Value in Words
- Charcoal Still LIfe
- Acrylic Still Life Paintings
- Mannequin Challenge
- Figure Drawing
- Plaster Action Figures
- Chuck Close inspired Self Portraits
- Name Project- Photoshop
- Zombie Project- Photoshop
- Self Portrait Photo Collage- Photoshop
- Class Calendar

Long Term Homework
Step 1: Watch the first 16 minutes of "Art in the 21st Century: Mexico City" about artist Damian Ortega using the link below.
Art in the 21st Century: Mexico City
Step 2: After watching the video, think about ways you can use found materials and objects in your environment (home, school, outside) to create a work of art that has value to you or conveys a message. The artwork can be in any form you would like (3d, video, photography, collage, mixed media), however the materials you use must be found. Do not go crazy and destroy your home or take things without permission (ie. from your parents). I would recommend collecting items over a period of time and then see what you are left with.
As you are creating your artwork you should document your experience. Take pictures with your phone at various stages of the project. The photos can include you collecting materials, or taking pictures of mateirals you have found, and also of the different creating stages.
Step 3: When you are finished creating your masterpiece, the google document below has some reflection questions about this process and places for you to add your documentation pictures including the final artwork. DO NOT DIRECTLY TYPE ON THE DOCUMENT. MAKE A COPY BY CLICKING "FILE" THEN "MAKE A COPY"
We will share our artwork on the last day of the quarter. Have fun, the world is your oyster! Can't wait to see what you come up with!