• Scarsdale Union Free School District


    Guiding Principles for School-Based Allergy Protocols



    1. Scarsdale is a welcoming and accepting environment for all children regardless of allergies.  
    2. Reasonable environmental changes must be made over and above our standard allergy practices when particular students require it in order to be safe.
    3. The District recognizes the increasing awareness and sensitivity to food allergies and will work to minimize non-curricular food, including the regular use of food for celebratory activities.
    4. District Schools will institute procedures to reduce exposure to high-incidence food allergens as is appropriate for their facilities.
    5. The District believes that food can be beneficial and educational when thoughtfully used in a school setting and encourages teachers and administrators to support programs that provide educational benefits through the use of food.
    6. Yearly case reviews will take place for all students with allergy plans in each school.