    Information About Our School Lunch Program
    At Quaker Ridge, we are fortunate to have a full functioning cafeteria that offers a tremendous range of food selections for our students and staff. This year we are continuing with our online APP called Nutrislice that allows parents to pre-order their child's lunch. It is a convenient way for you to pre-plan your child's weekly lunch menu. We recommend that you place the orders with your child so that they are aware of what you are ordering for them.
    There are three lunch cycles. Each grade has a 30 minute lunch period attached to a 30 minute recess block. Here is the schedule...
    Kindergarten and Fourth Grade: Each lunch from 11:45-12:15, followed by recess from 12:15-12:45.
    First Grade and Fifth Grade: Have recess first from 11:45-12:15, followed by lunch from 12:15-12:45.
    Second Grade and Third Grade: Have recess first from 12:15-12:45, followed by lunch from 12:45-1:15.
    All of our students also have a morning snack in their classrooms. Please be advised that all of our classrooms are "nut controlled", which means that children are not permitted to bring in a snack that has the ingredients of peanuts/tree nuts or was made in a facility that makes these products.