8th Grade Math
Scarsdale Middle School has three levels of mathematics in eighth grade. The differences between the levels are in content, duration, intensity, pacing, and approach. Each student is placed in a course based on his or her seventh grade teacher's recommendation.
Math 8-1 (One section): The majority of the students who completed the Math 7-1 course will be recommended for this course. Math 8-1 completes the eighth grade curriculum and includes several ninth grade topics. Students will be challenged with integrated topics in Algebra and Geometry, and at the same time, will have an opportunity to reinforce skills covered in previous math courses.
Math 8-1 Curriculum GuideGrading Policy for 8-1: The year-end grade is comprised of 90% from the four marking period scores (22.5% each) with the remaining 10% coming from the final exam score.There are no overrides for courses at Scarsdale Middle School. However, students in Math 8-1 who wish to take Geometry (Math 422) in ninth grade must take a placement test in June at the middle school. The student must be earning an average of B+ or greater in Math 8-1, exhibit appropriate classroom behavior and study habits to be successful in the advanced course, and receive the recommendation of their current teacher to qualify for the placement exam. The application deadline for this exam is May 15 and the form can be obtained from the student's house counselor or math teacher. Students must obtain a minimum score of 85% on the placement exam to qualify to take the Algebra Regents exam, also in June. If the student passes both the placement exam and Regents Exam, they will be placed into Math 422 as a ninth grader.Math 8-2 (Math 412) (Two Sections) and Math 8-3 (Math 413) (One Section): Both courses cover the New York State Next Generation Standards for Algebra 1 plus some additional topics, and culminate with the New York State Algebra 1 Regents Exam in June. The year-end grade will become part of the student's high school transcript.Math 8-2: Students who successfully complete Math 7-2 will be recommended for this course. This eighth-grade course is a continuation of the Math 7-2 course, but students will notice an increase in rigor due to the complex nature of the topics taught. This course is intended for students who have demonstrated a strong ability in mathematics.Math 8-3: This course is for students who have demonstrated exceptional ability in mathematics, and would benefit from a challenge over and above the traditional advanced program. In addition to the topics covered in the Math 8-2 course, this class introduces students to abstract ideas, higher levels of integration and application, and moves at a rapid pace. Topics are presented in greater depth to challenge even our most successful math students. Students will be expected to analyze complex problems with little review or tutoring assistance. Often, some portions of exams will contain questions that students have not previously encountered in class or homework.Grading Policy for 8-2 and 8-3: Only the year-end grade is included on a student's high school transcript. The grade is comprised of 90% from the four marking period scores (22.5% each) with the final 10% coming from the Regents exam score.Placement Process: Students were placed into their eighth grade math course by their seventh grade math teacher. There are no overrides for courses at Scarsdale Middle School. However, there were two placement test opportunities for seventh grade students.- If a student was placed into Math 8-2, but wished to be placed into Math 8-3, they were able to request a placement test provided they had an A- or above average for the year and scored 90% or higher on the final exam. A score of 85% or higher on the placement exam was required to be placed into Math 8-3. The exam is given in August by the middle school department chair.
- If a student was placed into Math 8-1, but wished to be placed into Math 8-2, they were able to request a placement test provided they had a B+ or above average for the year and scored 85% or higher on the final exam. A score of 85% or higher on the placement exam was required to be placed into Math 8-2. The exam is given in August by the middle school department chair.
Level Changes: It is possible for students to change levels, both up and down, during their eighth grade year. In general, a change from one level of a course to another level of the course should take place no later than one week after the distribution of the second marking period report card. Level changes during the third quarter are possible only if the student, parent, House Counselor, teacher, and Math Department Chair have conferred prior to the start of the third quarter and have signed off on the extension. No level changes are possible in the fourth quarter without the written approval of the Principal.If a student changes level, the grading policy is as follows:- During marking period 1 – Only coursework completed in the new course will be used to compute the 1st marking period grade. All four marking periods and the final exam/Regents exam will be used to compute the student’s year-end grade.
- At the end of marking period 1 – The quarter 1 grade will be eliminated from the year-end calculation. Marking periods 2, 3 & 4 will count 30% each with the final exam/Regents exam counting 10%.
- Any point during the second marking period - The teacher, house counselor, and parent should confer and agree on a grading policy. Note - there really should not be much movement during or after the second marking period.
Placements for Ninth Grade: These placements are made by the eighth grade teacher and discussed during the high school course conference in the Spring of eighth grade. All placements are reevaluated in June. Please visit the high school course catalog for descriptions of each math course.Math 8-1: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be eligible to enter the ninth grade Regents Algebra 1 course (Math 412).Math 8-2: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be recommended for either Math 422 or 423 (Geometry).Math 8-3: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be recommended for Math 423 (Geometry) or Math 424 (Honors Geometry).High school policy allows for overrides from 422 to 423, however, there are no overrides for 4-level courses (424). The student may request a placement exam to test into 424 by completing the required form available from their House Counselor by June 28. The student must have the recommendation of their eighth grade teacher and a minimum average of A- in Math 8-2 or B+ in Math 8-3 to make this request.**Solid lines indicate a typical path. Dashed lines indicate possible paths that usually occur with intermediate steps taken.Opportunities for advancement in mathematics become an option for the truly exceptional student at the end of sixth grade. Students who wish to skip a year in math should begin this process by having a conversation with their math teacher. The student must have an average in the A range or above and exhibit appropriate classroom behavior and study habits to be successful in the higher grade course. Additionally, it is essential that the student has high executive functioning skills and is academically and emotionally mature. Skipping a grade level in math often comes with significant disruptions to a student’s schedule in both seventh and eighth grade, and students are in classrooms with their older peers. It is likely the student will take math in another house, and it is even possible this placement may necessitate a house change.
Assessments are given in August at the middle school for students wishing to skip seventh grade math and at the high school for students wishing to skip Algebra 1. No assessments to skip math will be given once the school year has started. Applications for these assessments can be obtained through the math teacher or house counselor. If successful, the student is placed into the highest level of the course offered (ex: Math 8-3 or 424). Students who successfully skip a grade level in math may not return to the previous course, but may drop down a level if they find the coursework or schedule to be too challenging. It is also understood that the qualifying exam will not be shared, data for students will not be shared, and student results are final.
Sixth graders entering seventh grade:
Students who wish to skip seventh grade math must receive the recommendation of their sixth grade teacher to sit for the placement exam. All applications for the exam must be received by June 15. The exam has 25 questions and the student has 90 minutes to complete it with a calculator. A score of 85% or above must be achieved to skip seventh grade math. If successful, the student will be placed into Math 8-3 as a seventh grader.
Seventh graders entering eighth grade:
Students who wish to skip Algebra 1 must receive the recommendation of their seventh grade teacher and sit for the placement exam. All applications for the exam must be received by June 15. The student has two hours to complete the exam with a scientific calculator, not a graphing calculator. A score of 85% or above must be achieved to be placed into 424. If successful, the student must also sit for the Algebra 1 Regents exam as an eighth grader the following June at SMS.