The internet offers many opportunities for financial aid. You can search for financial aid information and look for scholarships that may be available to you based on factors such as special talent, community service, religion/ethnic/racial background, etc.
Click on College Planning, then Pay for College for a financial aid calculator. This is also where you’ll find the CSS Profile On-line
FinAid — Financial Aid Information
On-line FAFSA (Free Application for Student Financial Aid)
NYS Higher Education Corporation Services — for information on financial aid
Scholarship search by specific criteria
You can also check each college’s financial aid website for a financial aid calculator specific to that college, as well as school specific scholarship opportunities.
Whether you search for scholarships and/or financial aid on the internet or receive information by mail, avoid offers that:
- Ask you to pay a fee to receive information.
- Ask for your social security number and other identifying data before describing their selection criteria. (One important exception: On the fafsa.gov site you must enter your social security number to receive your FSAID—your Federal Student Aid ID.)
There is a great amount of legitimate aid available, and an equal amount of false promises or “scams” in this area. Be careful and consult your dean if you are in doubt!
**The SHS PTA also awards several scholarships each year to students demonstrating financial need. Applications can be found on the PTA website or in the Counseling Center.