• The Scarsdale Education for Tomorrow 1.0
    Educating all students through a tradition of excellence and innovation

    Satisfying three core goals, The Scarsdale Education for Tomorrow enables students to compete effectively in our new global village, today. Through a distinctive educational experience, Scarsdale fosters academically superior, globally conscious graduates who -
    • KNOW. Advancing knowledge with globally competitive skills and experiences; fostering a love of learning.

    • THINK. Empowering students to think critically and creatively, learn independently, and persevere.

    • ACT. Inspiring students to collaborate, embrace diversity, and contribute locally and globally.
    and who are among the most prepared to take on the challenges of today's demanding world – and to make it better. 

    • Deeper Learning: Singapore Math-Students develop the ability to handle more abstract, complex problems
    • Inquiry Research: Students become independent thinkers by:
      • engaging in activities that help students pose their own questions,
      • investigating questions that interest them
      • problem solving and pursuing answers
      • drawing conclusions and communicating understanding
      • reflecting on the process of their own learning 
    • Global issues: Sustainability, Human Rights, Poverty

    View the Presentation