School Nurse
Page Navigation
- Reminders
- COVID-19
- Contact Information
- School Absence/Emergency Contact
- New York State Requirements
- Medication Administration
- Allergic Conditions
- Concussion Management
- BMI Data Collection
- Flu Information
- Injuries/Activity Restrictions
- Sports Clearance
- Pediculosis Policy
- Lice Treatment/Referral Info
- Forms
School Absence/Illness
In the event your child is absent from school, you must enter the absence into the dismissal manager. Dismissal manager should be completed prior to 8:30 AM. Please provide a reason for your child's absence. If your child is arriving late or being dismissed early this should also be entered into the dismissal manager. If you need additional help, you should contact your house office secretary. If your child has a contagious condition, it is appropriate to also notify the health office.
Your child is too sick for school if he or she:
* has a temperature of 100 F or above any time in the previous 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Motrin* has vomited or had diarrhea in the past 24 hours* complains of a stomachache or fatigue with other symptoms(headache, fever, etc)* has a headache that persists for a day or recurs* breaks out in a rash of unknown etiology* has a purulent discharge from either or both eyes (contact your child's physician)* has a persistent coughPLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME FOR A FULL 24 HOURS after starting antibiotics for strep or other infection, after a fever has returned to normal without using fever reducing medication and after any episode of vomiting. Children who miss school because of illness MAY NOT return for after-school activities, rehearsals or musical events. This and good handwashing before meals and snacks are highly effective ways to reduce the transmission of illnesses.Emergency Contacts
It is critical that both the house and health offices maintain accurate emergency contact information. Please be sure to complete and return the contact information sheet sent out by the district. It is imperative that you update this information. If you move, change jobs, change phone numbers, change caretakers, etc., you MUST notify your house office secretary with the new information. It is advisable to provide at least one local individual that would be available to pick up your child within 30 minutes of notification.