• New York State Requirements
    All Students must meet the NYS Immunization Requirements (see below)
    We highly recommend that you SUBMIT YOUR CHILD's ANNUAL EXAM AND IMMUNIZATION RECORD each and every year. This allows your child to remain in school, participate in physical education, fulfill necessary mandated screenings, and meet the NYS Immunization Requirements.
    Requirements by Grade:
    GRADE 6 -  3 DPT, 3-4 OPV, 2 Measles, 2 Mumps, 1 Rubella, 3 Hep B, 2 Varicella  (or proof of having had the disease) AND Tdap vaccine within 2 weeks of the 11th birthday.  To remain in school, the health office must be given proof that Tdap was administered, or the date of the scheduled appointment to receive the booster dose.
    GRADE 7 - In addition to all of the above grade 6 requirements, Meningococcal vaccine:  a single dose must be administered (10 years of age or older) in order to enter and remain in school.
    A complete Physical Examination, performed by a physician (licensed in NY, NJ, or CT) within the past 12 months (please download the Health Examination Form). This form should be submitted within 14 days of the start of school in September. Out of state and/or out of country students have to submit a physical within 30 days of the start of school. The report should indicate the results of the scoliosis screening. The mandated vision and hearing tests are performed in our office. Your child MAY NOT participate in physical education until this is on file. Students that do not submit this will be scheduled to see our school physician.
    Girls that do not have documentation of a scoliosis screening will be checked in school.
    A complete dental examination (please download the Dental Health Certificate below). (OPTIONAL)
    All new physicals must be submitted on the mandated NY STATE physical exam form. This form is available in our offices and through this link: Health Examination Form. Pediatric practices also have these. Physicals submitted on other forms or attached to the new form but left blank cannot be accepted and will be returned.
    GRADE 8 -  Vaccinations as per grade 7 requirements.
    Click the following link to view the complete NY State immunization requirements: Immunization Schedule
    Please download the Health Examination Form for your physician to complete.
    Please download the Dental Health Certificate Form for your dentist to complete.