• To earn credit or a stipend for an STI course, participants must attend all sessions and complete an original culminating project, designed by the coordinators, that reflects course content, demonstrates a mastery of the material, and shows achievement of the course goals and objectives.

    Course coordinators, and course consultants/speakers, where appropriate, will evaluate projects and offer feedback to course participants.

    In addition, all projects must be forwarded to the STI to appropriately archive teacher learning through the institute.  

    • All projects should integrate classroom practice where appropriate; should indicate how student learning will take place; and should be age and grade appropriate.
    • Journal, reflection or research projects should demonstrate a depth of reflection on the course content rather than a summary of the course.
    • Art or technology projects should be digitally documented through photo or video with accompanying reflection.
    • Written projects must be a minimum of three pages, excluding booklists and bibliography, and be submitted in typed form.