    U.S. - Africa Children's Fellowship
    Mark Grashow, co-founder of the U.S. - Africa Children's Fellowship (USACF), spoke with Middle School language students during Human Right's Day about his volunteer work to improve schools in Africa. Our involvement with USACF began in 2013. His work is inspiring and embodies our school slogan "non sibi." Mark highlights difficult conditions for children in Zimbabwe, Ghana, South Africa, and Botswana. Our students were impressed and they collected donated items to ship overseas, as part of the World Language Department's emphasis on service learning. Middle School students are making an international connection, gaining a broader perspective about the complex interdependent world in which they live, and helping those in need.
    In 2015-2016, Scarsdale High School housed a forty foot shipping container. Each school in our district  was paired with a sister school in Africa, to intricately weave together curricular and service learning activities. We started a new middle school club. In addition, Sarah Whittington, our K-8 World Languages Coordinator, traveled to Africa last summer to spearhead the program.
    Africa 2015
     by Elyse G.
    US Africa Fellowship