List, Thomas: Special Ed.
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Academic Support Center(A.S.C.)
Program Description:
In keeping with the Response to Intervention model, this program seeks to provide support to students whose current academic performance at Scarsdale High School is impeded by various disabilities. Currently, there are students who do not qualify for special education services or 504 accommodations because they do not meet specific criteria. These students may or may not have documented disabilities. These students continue to struggle in their academic programs and require local support services to be successful at Scarsdale High School. This program will provide academic strategies through the curriculum, will address areas of deficits, and will provide organization and time management strategies which will ameliorate their academic achievement.
A review of each student’s progress will be made quarterly. Upon mastering and effectively utilizing strategies, the staff will determine the student’s current needs and appropriateness for the program. As this program will be part of a Response to Intervention model, if this program does not prove enough, a higher level of intervention may be considered.
Criteria for Admittance:
Students may be considered for this program with or without a documented disability. Students will appear before a committee consisting of the school psychologist, C.S.E. chairperson, school counselor, assistant principal and parent in order to determine eligibility for the program.
Program Schedule:
Students will be scheduled into the program up to 2 periods per week.