• Clubs and Extracurricular Activities
    The Interdependence Institute encourages student participation in clubs and extracurricular activities that increase global awareness. We foster and support global initiatives before, during, and after school.  
    Latin Club:
    SHS Latin students traveled to Yale University on Saturday, November 7, 2015, to compete in the annual Yale Certamen Invitational. Certamen is a contest in which students of the Classics answer questions about the Latin language, literature, ancient history, mythology, and culture. Although it was the first year SHS has participated in any Certamen tournament, the team from the Advanced Level made it to the semi-final round. The Latin students are already enthusiastically preparing for the next Certamen tournament at Harvard University in the spring. 
    Latin Club 2015-2016  
    Chinese Club:
    In January (2015), the High School's Chinese Club held their first Ping Pong tournament. In February, the annual Chinese New Year celebration held by the club was a great success. The high school students and faculty got to enjoy traditional Chinese music, fun Chinese games as well as authentic Chinese food. In March, the club held a dumpling workshop and the members were able to learn how to make dumplings.
    ping pong  
    Each year, around the time of the Ides of March, the Scarsdale Latin students come together to enjoy a Latin Banquet.  This year again, students dressed in authentic Roman costumes and gathered in the Little Theater to enjoy eating their "cena" in the Roman style.  During the meal, Latin students' musical talents provided the dinner with entertainment.  Afterward, the Latin 3/4 class performed a skit based on what they are reading in class. Then it was time for some friendly competition, both physical and mental. The Latin Banquet is a nice time for all the Latin students to be together and honor the huge legacy of Ancient Rome.  We greatly appreciate the help of the parents to make this event happen!
    Latin Banquet  
     Spanish Club:
    The Spanish Club works to promote a love and appreciation for the Spanish language, culture, and its people by participating in activities in school, the local community, and internationally.  Some activities include working with el Centro Hispano's programs and events, participating and performing in the International Fair, hosting the annual Cinco de Mayo celebration, and publishing a Spanish literary magazine (La Boca Loca).  Money is raised through activities such as the Día de los Muertos breakfast and Carnival Quesadillas to help support both local and international groups such as el Centro Hispano and Camino Seguro.
    day of dead day of dead day of dead Cinco de Mayo
     French Club:
    This year, the French Club made Buche de Noel and worked to raise awareness of Charlie Hebdo events. 