•  Committee on Special Education

    The Committee on Special Education (CSE) identifies students who qualify for special education services. Based on medical, educational, social, and developmental data, and a battery of psychoeducational tests administered either by the school or a private psychologist, the CSE determines whether or not a student has a disability. 
    Once it has been determined that a student is in need of Special Education Services, the Committee develops an Individualized Educational Plan that includes goals and objectives to address educational, social, emotional, and behavioral needs.  Thereafter, each year, at the Annual Review, the Committee, with input from the Special Education Teacher, the child’s dean, a general education teacher, and the child’s parents, assesses the student’s progress, makes recommendations for program changes, and reviews the goals and objectives stated in the IEP. Once a student has been classified, the student is placed in an appropriate program and provided with services stipulated in his/her IEP. 
    If at a later date the CSE determines that Special Education Services are no longer required, students will be declassified.  This occurs when the student’s performance, testing, and overall level of functioning suggest that he/she no longer needs special education services.  If the CSE determines that the child needs testing accommodations for continued success, they will be recommended.