• Sponsors - please complete the Sponsor Commitment Form

    If you are on this page you have probably been asked to be a Sponsor for a senior student at Scarsdale high school. The student has requested that you fill out the form above.

    Please take some time to fill out and submit the form online. We thank you in advance for helping with our program by working with our students.

    Basic Overview of the Program: 

    gym                                                    snAKE

    Starting in May, the student will complete a 6-week unpaid internship:

    • The student must work with or under the supervision of the Sponsor at your business/workplace (you) for 30 hrs a week for 5 days each week.  The main goal is to have students be exposed to how a business runs and/or to expose them to how a workplace is conducted. Students are not allowed to work on their own or left to work independently without their sponsor present.  This is meant to be an active learning experience and not a work/job replacement.  
    • The student can be assigned any work needed of them by their sponsor as long as the sponsor is actively present with them.
    • We limit interns to up to 2 SHS students per Sponsor/active adult employee, except for teachers, where it is limited to 1 student per teacher.
    • The student will meet with his/her mentor (teacher) once a week to discuss the internship.
    • By the end of the 6-week period, the student will create a presentation regarding their internship to his/her mentor, parents, peers and in some cases sponsors.