List of Clubs and Club ContactsYou must be logged into your scarsdaleschools.org email account in order to access: SHS CLUBS 2023-2024
- There will be a moratorium on new clubs this semester. Please check back here for details on how to apply to start a new club in the spring semester.
- School Government will instead be using the fall semester to review all existing clubs.
- At our All Club Meeting on October 9, we will be giving officers a clear set of guidelines that will cover:
Meeting schedule/location
Club activities
Financial records
Accessibility to students
Officer succession plan
- Based on this review we will re-certify clubs that meet the guidelines.
- For clubs that do not meet the guidelines, there will be two options based on the results of the review. One option will be a chance to make adjustments to meet the guidelines and to be re-certified at the end of the second semester. The other option will be to dissolve the club.
- At our All Club Meeting on October 9, we will be giving officers a clear set of guidelines that will cover: