
    Assignment menu for 3/16,3/17.3/18...... STAY WELL-

    Please complete any three activities for each subject.  

    I have also included various websites that are available for your use.


    Choose any three activities that interest you. 


    Cozy up with your favorite fiction book. Read for at least 20 minutes. How is the main character similar to you or someone you know?

    How is the character different?

    Go on a digraph (th,sh,ch,etc) hunt.The words can end or begin with a digraph.

    List as many words with digraphs as possible from around your home.

    At least 4 words.

    Use the words in a sentence.

    Interview an adult about their favorite book when they were your age.

    Ask them 5 questions about the book and why they liked it so much.

    Write a recommendation for a book you have read.

    Why should someone read it? Give 3 reasons. Who is the audience?


    the main character, the problem and the solution



    Write a “How to”

    on the topic of your choice. Ex: How to survive a week off from school.

    Write a menu

    describing your favorite food.

    Use lots of details to  convince someone that it tastes yummy. Make a model menu out of materials of your choice. You may draw the menu if you wish.

    Go outside and observe something in nature. Look closely and sketch the object. Ex: a tree.

    List 10 words that describe it.

    Write 5 sentences about this object. Hint- the words above are adjectives.

    Write an “about the author.”

    Tell the reader about yourself as an author.

    Include interesting facts.

    Between 5- 7 lines. 



    Reflex Math-

    Work at your own pace.

    Make a model or a picture of a building. Draw or glue arrays for the windows.


    Write a multiplication and division

    word problem for  the numbers 2, 3, 5,10.

    Explain how multiplication is related to division.

    Egg Carton Multiplication-

    Number the spots where the eggs are placed. Number it 1-12

    Put dice in the carton and shake. Multiply the numbers that the dice landed on.You don’t need to multiply any number above 5. With the exception of 10.

    Ex: If I landed on 2 and 10 the answer is 20.

    Then add the numbers to check your multiplication.


    “BrainPop” Go to “Engineering and Tech.” then to “Science and Industry” to “Building Basics.”

    Complete this section.

    Write 3 “Big” questions” about erosion.

    Big questions are  “why” or “how” questions.

    Think about your sand castle.

    Quick or slow

    land changes.

    What does that mean? Identify whether these are slow or quick:



    Sketch each of the above.

    Design and sketch a playhouse.

    Which of the following properties of matter are needed? Why?






    Social Studies

    Write 5 questions to ask about one of the topics below.These are “Genius Hour” topics. 

    Make a map of your home.

    Use a ruler so it is neat.

    Choose a new topic that you want to learn about the community.

     You may choose a topic that one of your classmates has done.

    Write a Big Question about the topic. List 4 facts that you learned from your research.

     You may use 

    “Pebble Go” “Epic,” or any other resource that a parent approves of.


    What is special about 


    List 5 things you like about it. Also, interview a parent for their opinion.

    *Genius Hour Topics:                           


    Apartment Buildings       Education Police dogs      Trains Aquariums

    Public Pools                    Grocery Stores Restaurant   Libraries Schools 

    Museums                         Buildings Playgrounds   Airplanes Hospitals


    1)Brain Pop:             

    User name:     sdedgewood

    Password:       bpop

    2) Username/Password Page: This is a list of the available websites with the login information. These are add