• Teen Driver Information and Resources
    Please check back for updates as they become available

    Driving is an enormous responsibility for both new drivers and their parents. Teenage years are considered by many to be the most dangerous period in life for driving. Please note that the in-person Safe Driving Assembly that had been offered in previous years will not be occurring in 2020-21. SHS is currently formulating a plan for the issuance of SHS parking permits to SHS seniors.

    The best way for parents to encourage their children to drive safely is to model safe driving practices themselves. Below are safe driving resources:

    Driver’s Education/Safety Classes:

    Useful Websites on Teen Driving:

    Other Resources:
    • Install this Life Saver App on your child’s phone. This free app, recommended by Jacy Good and Steve Johnson, uses deterrence, measurement and rewards to curb teen distracted driving.