Elementary Curriculum
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- Overview
- K-5 Art Curriculum
- K-5 ELA Standards
- K-5 English as a New Language (ENL)
- K-5 Language Arts
- K-5 Library
- K-5 Mathematics
- K-5 Music
- K-5 Physical Education
- K-5 Science
- K-5 Social Studies
- 2-5 Spanish
- K-5 Technology
- Kindergarten Curriculum
- First Grade Curriculum
- Second Grade Curriculum
- Third Grade Curriculum
- Fourth Grade Curriculum
- Fifth Grade Curriculum
Kindergarten Science
Weather and Climate
Demonstrate an understanding that the Sun warms the Earth by identifying the relative temperature of various surfaces.
Understand what makes a fair test (controlled experiment) by creating an investigation to examine solar energy.
Design a structure that protects an ice cube from solar energy.
Explore how to gather information to predict and prepare for severe weather.
Identify trends/patterns in weather that are typical of a time of year (or a season) and use data to make predictions.
Forces and Interactions: Pushes and Pulls
Discover various pushes and pulls in their surroundings.
Investigate the relationship between cause and effect when a strong or gentle force acts on an object.
Understand the effect that force has on the way things move when they are pushed, pulled, or collide.
Use arrows to create models to visualize and describe the strength and direction of forces applied when an object is pushed or pulled.
Design, test, and improve a solution to solve a problem.
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants, and Their Environment
Identify classroom resources and how to conserve them.
Stop waste from going to landfills by learning to sort and recycle their snack waste.
Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.
Design an experiment to test if a plant needs water and light to grow, and draw a conclusion using evidence.
Create a ladybug habitat that includes food, water, shelter, and air for survival.